Why is my Instagram account flagged for suspicious activity?

If you've received messages or notifications about suspicious activity on your Instagram account while using Gain, we will provide some important facts to help explain the situation. We understand how important it is to ensure the security and integrity of your Instagram account, and Gain is committed to following the best practices set by Meta.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Gain uses officially sanctioned Instagram and Facebook APIs to provide its services. We have never received an alert due to incorrect API usage.
  • Gain undergoes a rigorous app review process conducted by Meta, which owns Instagram and Facebook. This process involves meticulously examining every permission that Gain requests from Facebook and Instagram users. A team member from Meta logs into our system and tests our platform to ensure full compliance.
  • Gain participates in an annual data protection assessment conducted by Meta. We provide detailed evidence of how we read, store, and use data from the Facebook/Instagram platform.

Instagram Locks/Bans Based on Activity

  • Instagram typically imposes locks or bans on accounts based on their following/follower activity. If an account follows or unfollows users quickly or gains followers in an " inorganic way," Instagram will flag an account.

Important: Gain does not engage in any activity related to followers; our platform has no code for this.

  • "Automatic behavior" typically refers to using unsanctioned third-party tools to gain likes and followers or perform data scraping and mass following actions, which does result in temporary bans by Meta. Gain does not engage in unsanctioned activities like data scraping.
  • If the content you publish doesn't go against Meta's Terms of Service and your accounts are not using unsanctioned apps, then you can rest assured that auto-publishing via Gain won't result in your account being flagged.

If you have any other questions or concerns not addressed here, contact support@gainapp.com.

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