How can approvers access the system?

There are several ways for approvers and clients to access and approve content on Gain.

  • Whenever you send content for approval, approvers will receive a notification via email. This email includes a link that instantly logs them into Gain to approve content. No password is required.

  • Additionally, approvers can visit the magic login page at any time. There, they can enter their email address and receive a link to log in instantly via email—no password required here either.

Finally, once they log in, the approver can choose to set up a password for themselves. This way, they can use the standard login page to log in with their email and password. The previous methods to log in instantly via email will still be available. To create a password or change an old one, approvers can go to their personal settings:

Next, click on Send Password Setup Email and follow the instructions to set up a password. 

Note: If you, or your approver, don't see the option to Set up a Password, or if you forgot your current password, head over to our login page and click on Forgot Password

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