What does my client see as an approver?

In Gain, the approver role is for clients whose only task is to approve or request changes. By default, approvers are logged in via email notifications and don’t need a password to log in. 

Approvers can access the calendar to see upcoming content but can’t participate in or see any internal activity such as draft content, mentions, task assignments, or comments.

Here’s an example of what an approver can see: 

  • Calendar view. The calendar shows anything that’s pending a client’s approval and has been approved, scheduled, or published.

  • Pending approvals page. All content pending a client’s approval will show up on this page. They can see previews of files and social posts, request changes, or approve here. 

  • View mode. Your client can see all information related to a social post or file such as publish date, content tags and descriptions, workspace name, folder, and social channel name.

What’s next?

To learn more about approvers, check out our getting started guide for approvers

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