Create Custom Views with Filters

You can use filters to create customized views in your calendar, gallery, or list views. Even if you switch between workspaces or views, Gain remembers the filters you applied until you reset them.

Filters can be beneficial for:

    • Reducing loading times by displaying only the content you need.
    • Helping you prioritize posts that require immediate attention, ensuring essential tasks are addressed promptly.
    • Filtering relevant content when exporting PDFs or Excels for your team or stakeholders.
    • Making bulk actions like scheduling or sending content for approval easier.
    • Creating customized views

Applying Filters

To start using filters, follow these steps:

  1. Go to a view (calendar, gallery, or list) and access filters to the left of your screen.
  2. By default, all filters are on. To turn off all filters within a category, select None or hover over the specific option you want to filter and choose Only.

  1. When you're done selecting your criteria, click Apply.

Note: Gain will remember your filter settings even if you log out. To return your view to its default, click Reset Filters.

Filtering by Date Range

In the Gallery and List view, you can effortlessly search for content within a specific date range based on its publish date. Gain offers pre-made date range options like "This Week," "Last Week," or "Last Month," but you can also add a custom date range.

  • Undated Content: If your content doesn't have a publish date, you can filter by "Undated" to view it in the gallery or list view.

Filtering by Folders

Gain allows you to filter content by one or more folders and separate creative assets from social posts. Filtering by folders is particularly useful for displaying everything within a specific folder in the gallery view, providing a clear and organized view of your content.

Filtering by Content Owner

Gain designates users as the owners of any content they create or upload to a workspace. In the gallery, list, and calendar view, you can filter content by your name or someone else's.

Here's how:

  1. Locate the "Owned By" button at your navigation bar's top left.
  2. Choose your name from the list.
  3. To return to the default settings, select "Owned by Anyone."
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