Social Media Insights

You can track and analyze performance metrics for posts published on Facebook Pages, TikTok Profiles, Pinterest Business accounts, Instagram Business accounts, and LinkedIn Pages.

Use Insights to:

  • Analyze content that resonates with your audience.
  • Strategize upcoming content.
  • Recycle top-performing content.
  • Export performance metrics reports.

In this article 

Key Considerations

Access performance metrics by clicking on the Insights icon on the top right next to your workspace settings.

Metrics Breakdown by Social Network

Facebook Pages

  • Likes: Total number of "like" and "care" reactions to the content
  • Reactions: Total number of reactions to the content
  • Comments: Total number of reactions to the content
  • Shares: Total number of times the content was shared
  • Impressions: Total number of times the content entered a person's screen
  • Reach: Number of unique people who had the content enter their screen
  • Total Interactions: Sum of reactions, comments, shares, and other clicks
  • Other Clicks: Number of times people clicked on anywhere in the content, not including commenting, reacting, or sharing
  • Video Views: Total number of times the video was viewed for more than 3 seconds

Instagram Business Profiles

  • Engagement:  Total number of likes and comments on the content
  • Reach: Number of unique people who had the content enter their screen
  • Saved: Total number of unique accounts that have saved the content
  • Video views: Total number of times the video(s) have been seen

Note: Instagram does not provide impressions for Reels—only reach and engagement. In the impressions column, Gain shows the number of views a Reel has. This way, your global Instagram metrics will remain accurate.

LinkedIn Company Pages 

  • Clicks: Number of times the content was clicked
  • Comments: Total number of comments on the content
  • Engagement:  Number of clicks, likes, comments, and shares that the comment received over its number of impressions
  • Impressions: Total number of times the content has been seen
  • Likes: Total number of likes on the content
  • Shares: Total number of times the content was shared
  • Unique impressions: Number of unique people who have seen the content

Pinterest Business Accounts

Pinterest only shows stats for Business accounts; if you'd like to see Insights data in Gain, convert your personal account to a business account on Pinterest. You'll see performance metrics only after converting the account to a business account. For example, a Pin published from a personal account might have 20 impressions. If your Pin has 5 additional views after you've switched to a business account, you'll only see the 5 impressions reflected in your Analytics dashboard. 

  • Impressions: Total number of times the content has been seen
  • Call to action clicks: The number of times the call to action button was clicked on Pinterest
  • Saves: Total number of unique accounts that have saved the content
  • Reactions: Total number of reactions to the content
  • Comments: Total number of comments on the content

Important: Data may take up to 72 hours to appear in your Gain Insights dashboard for Pinterest. Results are often delayed up to 48 hours on our Pinterest Analytics dashboard, and the Pinterest API takes an additional 24 hours to send that data to us.

TikTok Profiles 

  • Likes: Total number of likes on the content
  • Comments: Total number of comments to the content
  • Shares: Total number of times the content was shared
  • Views: Total number of times the video was viewed

Note: A dimmed Gain logo is displayed next to the content when a post is published outside of Gain.

Customize Your Data View

  • By default, Gain provides insights for content from the past 6 months (or up to 1000 posts for Facebook).
  • Insights get updated every 12 hours for posts from the last 30 days.
  • If your channel is disconnected, we can't collect data for it. To see data, you'll need to reconnect the channel.

You can customize your view by selecting specific date ranges or filtering by content tags.

  1. Select the social profile from the switcher on the left.
  2. Click on the date selector to the right.
  3. Select the date range and click Save.

Apply Filters

  1. Click "Showing all content" under the date range filter to filter by content tags.

  1. You can filter by posts created in Gain or published outside of Gain and select a content tag.

Reuse or recycle your best-performing content

  1. To reschedule top-performing posts, select posts and click on Recycle.

  1. Select new dates and time ranges.

You'll find the recycled drafts in the calendar on the dates you selected, where you can reschedule or send them for approval.

Note: You can only recycle posts that were created in Gain.

Export Insights

You can export performance metrics in CSV or PDF format. PDF reports are available in English, Spanish, or French.

  1. To get started, set your desired date range and click Export Insights.

  1. Select a timezone and format.

Your report shows data for posts within the chosen range and filters. Here's an example of what the PDF report looks like:

The CSV file includes a link to the published post, a link to associated media files like videos or images, and captions. Here's an example of a CSV report:

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