User Roles and Permissions
You can invite people to your Gain account and assign them one of 5 roles: Account Owner, Administrator, Publisher, Contributor, and Approver (Clients). Check out the video below to understand what each role can accomplish and ensure you assign the proper permissions to people in your account.
In this article
Roles and Permissions
Here's a comprehensive overview of each role:
Role | Permissions |
Account Owner | By default, the person who creates the account owns it, and there's only one owner per account.
Account Admin |
Workspace Admin |
Publisher |
Contributor | Any internal or external stakeholder or content creator, like an intern or freelancer.
Approver (Client) | Any client or stakeholder whose only task is to approve content.
Manage People in Account
From your People in Account page, you can invite new team members and remove or modify people's permissions. To access it, click on your avatar or initials at the top right.
Add or remove users
- To invite new people to your account, click Invite Team Member or Client and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Select the user's name from the list to remove someone from your account. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on Remove from Account.
Change roles or permissions
- To update a user's permissions, select their name from the list.
- Mark the square(s) under each column to specify the role you want that individual to have in the account, workspace(s), channel(s), or folder(s).
Transfer Ownership
Only the account owner can transfer ownership of the account to another user from the People in Account section.
- Click on Transfer Ownership
- Select the new account owner from the list
- Enter your Gain password to confirm
- Click Transfer Account Ownership
Important: You will no longer be the account owner once you complete the transfer. You will remain as account admin but cannot view or manage billing.