Troubleshooting Connection Issues

Gain uses the social network's API to post content. Occasionally, these networks might not publish posts as planned due to intermittent issues. Our system makes up to three publishing attempts or scheduling retries when errors arise. However, if the API doesn't accept the post on the third try and can't publish your posts, we'll let you know via email and in-app notifications. You can also find error information in the Activity tracker for your posts.

In this article 

Common Facebook and Instagram Errors

According to Meta, access tokens last around 60 days, but there are several reasons why they might expire earlier: 

  • Changes in Admin Access for Facebook Pages
  • Changes in your Meta Business Suite account
  • Publishing identical posts to several accounts at the same time
  • Logging into your account from many different IP addresses (for example, if several people have the email and password login information for an account)
  • Logging in and out of several different accounts
  • Any activity considered “not secure” by Facebook’s AI-based algorithm. 

Below is a compilation of common publishing and scheduling errors on Facebook and Instagram. Please keep in mind that this list isn't comprehensive, and there could be other issues that our engineering team might need to address for troubleshooting.

In such cases, please don't hesitate to contact us through our support widget or email us at

Instagram responded: "Invalid user id"

Verify that the profile you intend to tag in your photo is correct. This error indicates that the Instagram profile you're attempting to tag in your photos is invalid or set to private mode. The Instagram API only allows users to tag public profiles.

Post stuck processing

A common problem for Facebook posts scheduled with the Facebook Scheduler. Facebook's scheduler is excellent when you need to run ads with scheduled posts, but it might be less reliable for regular scheduling when compared to Gain's scheduler.

To fix this, send your post to draft and reschedule it. If you can't reschedule or publish your post, please get in touch with us through our support widget or by emailing us at

Facebook responded: "The user must be an administrator, editor, or moderator of the page in order to impersonate it. If the page business requires Two Factor Authentication, the user also needs to enable Two Factor Authentication."

If you have access to a Facebook page via Business Suite, you are required to set up two-factor authentication. Please take a look at this article on Facebook for instructions on how to turn this on.

Instagram api graph responded: "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."

This typically indicates your access token is invalidated; you can try to reconnect your Instagram account to Gain. You can follow the steps in this guide to reconnect.

Facebook responded: "A security check is required to proceed."

Facebook flagged your account. You'll need to log into your Facebook account to start a Security Checkup. Please take a look at this article on Facebook for more information.

Instagram api graph responded: "User access is restricted"

This typically occurs if the account breaches Instagram's Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. To restore your account, please log in to the Instagram app for the concerned account and follow the prompts on the screen.

Please take a look at this article on Instagram for more information.

Facebook responded: "(#200) Permissions error"

This error often suggests that Gain's full permission to post on your Facebook Page was revoked. Even if your Facebook page was previously linked to Gain, Facebook occasionally revokes access, and you'll need to reauthorize Gain's access.

Please take a look at the instructions on how to reconnect your Facebook page.

Instagram api graph responded: "(#10) Application does not have permission for this action"

This error often indicates that the Instagram account has been detached from its associated Facebook page. Your Instagram account might get disconnected from the Facebook page due to different factors.

If this happens, direct publishing won't work in Gain. For detailed steps to confirm the Instagram profile is properly linked to a Facebook page, please take a look at this article.

 Instagram responded: "Fatal"

This is commonly a temporary issue originating from the Instagram server. Consider making slight modifications to your post and reschedule it.

Common LinkedIn Errors

Below is a compilation of common publishing and scheduling errors on LinkedIn. Please keep in mind that this list isn't comprehensive, and there could be other issues that our engineering team might need to address for troubleshooting.

In such cases, please don't hesitate to contact us through our support widget or email us at

LinkedIn responded: "The token used in the request has expired"

This typically indicates your access token is invalidated; you can try to reconnect your LinkedIn account to Gain. You can follow the steps in this guide to reconnect.

Note: To connect a LinkedIn Company Page, you must be a Super admin

Unexpected LinkedIn API Error.

Usually, this error suggests temporary problems with the LinkedIn API. You can try to publish or schedule your posts again. If the error continues, please contact our support team for help.

LinkedIn responded: "The input string format is invalid"

Typically, this error occurs when a hashtag is composed of only numbers (for example, #13), which is not permitted by LinkedIn. Please modify your hashtag to include letters or remove the hashtag and try to publish again.

If the error continues, please contact our support team for help.

LinkedIn responded: "Accessing this image resource is forbidden. Please check your permissions for this resource"

There might be an issue with the admin access to the LinkedIn page. Refresh the channels' connection and try to publish again. If the error continues, please contact our support team for help.

Common Twitter Errors

Below is a compilation of common publishing and scheduling errors on Twitter. Please keep in mind that this list isn't comprehensive, and there could be other issues that our engineering team might need to address for troubleshooting.

In such cases, please don't hesitate to contact us through our support widget or email us at

Twitter responded: ""

This error typically indicates the Twitter API is unavailable or has trouble publishing your videos. This problem has been ongoing for a considerable period and has been discussed on the Twitter developer forum.

Fortunately, such occurrences are infrequent, and such cases are relatively uncommon today. If your Tweet isn't published or the error continues, please contact our support team for help.

Error uploading video to Twitter

This problem has been ongoing for a considerable period and has been discussed on the Twitter developer forum.

Fortunately, such occurrences are infrequent, and such cases are relatively uncommon today. If your Tweet isn't published or the error continues, don't hesitate to contact our support team for help.

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