5 Steps to Get Started for Admins

In this onboarding guide, we'll walk you through five steps to get you started. If you're an admin or the account owner in charge of setting up the account, connecting social profiles, and inviting your team, this guide is for you. Once your account is set up, you can schedule personalized training sessions with our Customer Success team or share our onboarding guides for content creators and approvers with your team.

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Create a Workspace

In Gain, you have the flexibility to manage multiple workspaces under a single account. You can create a workspace to organize your projects and social content on a shared calendar. Here's how:

  1. Click on +Add Workspace in the Workspaces Dashboard.
  2. Follow the prompts to add a name and upload a logo.
  3. Invite team members to join your workspace and assign them specific permissions, such as administrator or approver.

Note: When you invite people to join your workspace, they'll get a welcome email from Gain to set up their password. Approvers don't need passwords to log in to Gain and will receive an email only when you send them content for approval.

Once your workspace is set up, you can go to Settings "⚙️" whenever you need to:

Connect Social Channels or Upload Files

After creating a workspace, you'll need to connect social channels to schedule content and manage it in the calendar. You can also upload files and save them in folders on your workspace. Here's how to navigate your workspace and get started:

Connect Social Channels

To begin, find Settings "⚙️" and click on Channels.

  1. Click on the +New Social Channel button at the top right.
  2. Choose the social network you want to link.

You will be directed to the social network's authorization page to allow Gain to publish. Check out this step-by-step guide for more details on connecting social profiles.

Tip: If you prefer not to link your social profiles, you can use mockup channels. Click here to find out more.

Upload Files

To start, navigate to the Gallery view in your workspace and drag and drop a file. You can upload up to 25 items in bulk. Once your files are processed, you can:

  • Select the folder where you'd like to store your files.
  • Add a publish date (optional).
  • Write a description with notes for your team or stakeholders.
  • Add Content Tags: You can use tags to categorize or filter content in Gain.
  • Rename files in numerical order. Example: Special Sale 01, Special Sale 02, Special Sale 03, etc...

Note: You can use creative assets in folders to create social posts. If you would like to learn more about folders and managing files, you can click here.

Invite Team Members and Stakeholders

Collaboration is at the heart of Gain. Once you've set up your social profiles and folders, it's time to invite your team members and grant them role-specific permissions. To get started, click on your initials on the top right.

  1. Select People in Account.
  2. Click Invite Approver or Team Member and follow the on-screen instructions. 

After inviting team members, you can come back to this page to adjust permissions or remove them.

Here are some key roles within Gain:

  • Team Members: Your brand or account managers, content creators, and publishers are responsible for creating, editing, and managing content. They can also send content for approval, schedule, and publish social posts.
  • Approvers: Approvers are stakeholders who review and approve content but do not participate in content creation or editing. They can log in without a password through approval notifications or reminders.

Create Approval Workflows

With Approval Workflows, you can formalize your content review process and ensure that anything you create gets the thumbs-up from the right people before going live. Once approved, you can create templates in each workspace and define specific criteria, such as auto-scheduling a social post.

Find the Settings "⚙️" and click on Approval Workflows.

  1. Next, click on the +New Approval Workflow button. Write a workflow name that helps you and your team identify different approval processes quickly. Only team members can see the workflow name or the people in it. 
  2. Click on Add people to this round and select the team members or stakeholders who need to be part of the approval process. 

  1. Rounds are the steps that your content needs to go through for approval. Click on Add Another Round to add more. You can tailor rounds to include departments such as Legal and Social Media or sequential steps such as one round for internal stakeholders and another for external clients. 

To learn more about Approval Workflows, click here.

Send Content for Approval

Select items to send for review and click To Approval from the action bar.

Tip: Before you invite stakeholders as approvers, you should understand the approval process from their perspective. Test it by giving a team member temporary approver-only permissions.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • In the Notification Center "🔔," you can check if an approver has requested changes. Click on the Content ID # to access the editor and see the edits.

  • When someone requests changes, the content status changes from "Pending Approval to "Revision." When content is in revision status, you can make changes and send content back for final approval.

To learn more about managing change or edit requests from stakeholders, click here.

  • Gain tracks all the activity, such as comments or revisions made by stakeholders in the Activity section of the content and the approval process in the Approval section. You'll see the user's name under each round, accompanied by a color that indicates the status: 
    • Orange if the person requested changes. 
    • Yellow when content is pending their approval. 
    • Green after they've approved. 

Click here to learn more about sending content for approval and monitoring progress.

Account Settings and Beyond

You can access your Account Settings and additional features by clicking on your initials in the upper right corner. Here are some options you can explore:

  • In Account Settings, you can personalize your account by adding your company logo.
  • The account owner can access billing and payment information in the Billing section.
  • In your Personal Settings, you can reset your password, upload a profile picture, or enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for added security.
  • Add, remove, or edit your team's permissions in the People in the Account section.

What's next?

As you try Gain during your first 14 days, you can go ahead and explore our help center or reach out to our Customer Success team for a personalized training session. If you have questions, you can chat with us or email support@gainapp.com. We're here to make your transition to Gain as smooth as possible! 👋🏽

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